Our Work

Environment and Heritage

Environment Conservation Workshop in Delhi RWA and Environmental Awareness Program in Sisarma, Udaipur respectively.

Tree plantation by MA Volunteers in waste land Delhi NCR

MA has been creating awareness for conservation of environment and it is an ongoing process. More than 75 such campaigns have been done. School awareness is a continuous programme wherein children are sensitized about environment and

A nationwide water conservation programme was conducted on the Bank of River Ganga in Varanasi. People from all walks of life participated in the campaign. Volunteers of MA worked amongst local community members, school children, washer men, people burning corpses on the river banks and government servants participated to create awareness for the abatement of pollution. The awareness programme ended with a mass public congregation on Rajendra Prasad Ghats with a performance by Anup Jalota.

Udaipur Tales - An international storytelling festival was conceived with a vision to popularize the oral tradition of telling stories. History, culture and literature is carried on the wings of stories since time immemorial. The Festival is being mounted in Udaipur annually since 2017 with story tellers from all over the world.

Short / Evening sessions of storytelling by the name of ‘once upon a Time’ are organized in other parts of the country.