Our Work

Workshops and training for livelihood

MA conducts workshops and training for women to make utility items from waste fabric collected from tailors. The ladies are able to complete their household chores and also train to earn their livelihood.

Art Workshop conducted by MA.My Anchor village Sisarma, Udaipur supported by DRI PL

Inauguration of training centre in Sisarma, Udaipur

Innovative Initiatives

An initiative was taken to create sensitivity towards sustainable living.Scrap of waste fabric was collected and women of the village were trained to make lifestyle products which in turn they sold for improving livelihood.

The project was started in village Sisarma ,Udaipur

The trainees are now making

  • Coasters
  • Pouches
  • Pencil covers
  • Paper weight
  • Fabric Braids,
  • Table Mats

Which will be used to make other products. Once they reach the required stage of proficiency, new products will be taught to them. They will include:

  • Tray
  • Covers
  • Napkins
  • Lampshades
  • Tea Cosy
  • Cushion Covers etc.

These products are being sold as gift items under the brand name of MA. My Anchor in stores. We have already identified an outlet in Udaipur. 

We are doing regular production. The Women are looking forward to earning their livelihood through this vocation. 

Glimpses of the Art Workshop